Monday, July 30, 2007 Gets Animated's latest monthly feature, CandyCast, is an animated Candy Pratts Price, the site's Executive Fashion Director, talking, what else, fashion. I think that this is a fun little additive to the site, one that allows the viewers to be a little more interactive and take first-hand fashion notes from one of the industry's bigwigs. It would be great to see Mrs. Price (à la animated version) in different settings. For example, I think it would be more fun and exciting if she took us front row to the shows, to store openings, showroom appointments, staff meetings, etc. This is a great "sticky" feature that can educate and entertain the viewer and keep the viewer on the site longer, not to mention a plug for everything that Mrs. Price mentions (Hmm, a new avenue the p.r. girls can attack to get their clients exposure). I do think that viewers will tire of this feature easily, as it is only updated once a month but who knows in a couple of months it could be a daily thing. Soon, perhaps, we will all need our dose of The Daily Candy (Cast).

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