Yes those were the Balenciaga 100k gold pants and matching gold plate bra top. They were $100,000. I didnt think she looked too bad in them, it's not just for waif heroin sheik girls. Beyonce is hippy, but i think thats sexy.
I think part of the problem was the leggings just made her legs look WAY thicker than they actually are. I have no issues with women showing their curves, but when the look goes from curvy to chunky, there's a problem.
Stop hatin!! You all wish that you could look HALF as good as Beyonce does. It is comments like yours that make teen girls become anorexic and bulimic.
This is so wrong, there's a reason the girl modeling them was thin. Beyonce looks horrible and those shiny things just make her legs look even wider. I won't even talk about the layer of skin bulging over the edge of the pants.
We embrace curvaceousness in BLACK culture!!...Ultra-thin is definitely not in. Beyonce is by far the best model that Balenciaga could have ever had to wear those leggins!.. She restores confidence to the shapely women of the world; she's comfortable in her own skin and it's so evident. To those of you who are doing the critiquing, GET A LIFE and stop purging! I bet that you all couldn't look half as good as she does wearing the leggins...and this is coming from a MAN!
Honestly, I like thin people, i think its very elegant, however I must admit that the model looks pretty disgusting in those legins, and beyonce looks just right, maybe abit "bigger" than "just right", yet still better than the model....(also coming from a man)
Those leggings were made for thin legs; what is Beyonce doing in them?
I believe they are....heard they were $17,000!!!
Yes those were the Balenciaga 100k gold pants and matching gold plate bra top. They were $100,000. I didnt think she looked too bad in them, it's not just for waif heroin sheik girls. Beyonce is hippy, but i think thats sexy.
Seriously, those hips aren't made for Balenciaga robotic golden pants.
She should stick to her House of Derean (however you spell it) booty jeans.
I think part of the problem was the leggings just made her legs look WAY thicker than they actually are. I have no issues with women showing their curves, but when the look goes from curvy to chunky, there's a problem.
Stop hatin!! You all wish that you could look HALF as good as Beyonce does. It is comments like yours that make teen girls become anorexic and bulimic.
This is so wrong, there's a reason the girl modeling them was thin. Beyonce looks horrible and those shiny things just make her legs look even wider. I won't even talk about the layer of skin bulging over the edge of the pants.
:"her legs look thicker in them", that was the point, lol at white girls
We embrace curvaceousness in BLACK culture!!...Ultra-thin is definitely not in. Beyonce is by far the best model that Balenciaga could have ever had to wear those leggins!.. She restores confidence to the shapely women of the world; she's comfortable in her own skin and it's so evident. To those of you who are doing the critiquing, GET A LIFE and stop purging! I bet that you all couldn't look half as good as she does wearing the leggins...and this is coming from a MAN!
Honestly, I like thin people, i think its very elegant, however I must admit that the model looks pretty disgusting in those legins, and beyonce looks just right, maybe abit "bigger" than "just right", yet still better than the model....(also coming from a man)
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