Thursday, December 13, 2007

Reminiscing about...

Sex and the City...yes I know it's old news, it's cliche, it's over but I recently pulled out my DVD collection (yes, I bought them all on have forever, and ever)...and started watching the series from Season One and I have to say I kind of miss that once a week TV dose of fashion, style, life and fun. What show can you think of that is slightly comparable, fashion wise? And please, do not say Ugly is not even close.

I have to say that I am patiently awaiting the new series' Cashmere Mafia and Lipstick Jungle, to see which comes out on top and which is worthy of best costume design. Until then I will continue my rotation of Season One through Six...oh and of course I do await the moment for SATC to arrive to the big screen. Yes, we all know SATC is over and done with but deep down we are all curious about it's big debut. Until then how about this mini teaser of a trailer.

1 comment:

The Goddess said...

Ah, yes, the good old days - I used to watch every episode with a cosmo in hand (or two, or three).

I have the DVD collection, too, but somehow it's just not the same.

Haven't found anything that comes close yet, and I'm afraid that the movie not either...but we can hope!