However, after reading the review, I now think the show was quite brilliant. I do not disclaim my previous comments as I do still think the same, but now that I now the entire show was based on a "sideways view" I think that Mr. Lagerfeld is way ahead of the game, and while Galliano is an outright genius, I think Lagerfeld is a veiled behind-the-scenes genius that created this 67-look show showing us how volume would appear when looked at horizontally then turned vertically. A new approach, indeed.
"...looked at Chanel from one angle—sideways-on—and turned that technical exercise into a show that focused all the imaginative, structural, and decorative skills of haute couture into one idea: tracing the body line from shoulder to ankle. "High profile," he called it. "Everything is flat at the front. It’s all side effects." - Sarah Mower,

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